Eligible students and out-of-school students are surveyed from door to door every year to increase enrollment in the school. Eligible students are admitted in 100% of the schools. Parents and villagers are made aware of the importance of education from time to time Eligible students are welcomed in the morning procession on arrival at the school. They are greeted with roses, flowers and educational materials. They will be given a sweet meal The school held preparatory meetings and enjoyed the games of these students the first day of school. A procession of these students is taken out in the morningSurveys are conducted from time to time to increase school enrollment. Students are given a pleasant education. Singing in school Preference is given to new songs. Students who are financially poor are given various educational materials through public participation. Students who are deprived of uniforms are given uniforms throughVarious cultural programs are conducted to increase ...
शिक्षण संवाद हा ब्लाॅग शिक्षण व पर्यावरण या विषयावर आधारित आहे - तुकाराम अडसूळ